Contact us: 844-746-5766

The Claims Process

Keeping Ohio Green

The Restoration Lady is committed and ready to keep Ohio clean and green! We will recycle your old roof at a local asphalt recycling facility. Millions of tons of asphalt shingle are removed every year in the U.S. The Majority of these shingles are considered recyclable material. Can you imagine if every single shingle was recycled? Imagine what that would do for our environment?

Here are some reasons why you should pick a contractor that is committed to help keeping the environment clean:

Asphalt shingles main use once recycled is for pavement. It can also be used in the manufacturing of new roofing material, road maintenance products and cement kiln fuel.

When used for new pavement, it produces stronger asphalt that has a higher resistance to cracking.

Lowers green house gas emissions.

Frees up space in the currently overfilled landfills. Asphalt shingles can not be compressed and are very bulky. They take up a huge amount of space.

By reducing the amount of oil needed to manufacture new asphalt material, it then reduces our country's dependence on foreign oil.

The Restoration Lady is here and ready to keep our Local Community, City and State clean and green!

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